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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[stockCode] => VA126B
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
[stockCode] => VA126B
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[filmboxUrl] =>
[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
[meta_title] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
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[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[title] => Vortex Bar (Black 1260mm)
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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[meta_title] =>
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[full_url] => /en-nz/products/spares-brackets-components/roof-rack-parts/bars/vortex-bar-black-1260mm-_va126b
[shortDescription] => The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing add...
[synonyms] =>
[longDescription] =>
The Rhino-Rack Vortex bars can be purchased in black or silver and is cut to 7 different predefined lengths to suit different vehicles. All bars include the VGS rubber strip which has been designed to reduce wind drag and noise as well as providing added protection for your roof racks and load. All bars include end caps.
[productFeatures] =>
- Vortex Bars available to replace your current bars (sold individually)
- Bars come in black and silver colour options
- Bars are cut to predefined lengths and are priced accordingly
- All Vortex bars come with end caps
- All Vortex Bars come with the VGS strip
[faq] =>
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1 -->
Country of Origin