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[lngId] => 3
[pdmPartType] => Bicycle Rack Adapter
[columnNo] => 1
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[title] => Accessories
[slug] => accessories
[level] => 3
[imageUrl] => https://assets.rhinorack.com/Images/PageImages/CatAccImg/BikeCarriers/Rhino-Rack-Bike-Carrier-Acc-Category.jpg
[bannerUrl] =>
[videoUrl] =>
[shortDescription] => View our range of accessories that will compliment your bike carriers including rear number plate holders.
[longDescription] =>
View our range of accessories that will compliment your bike carriers including rear number plate holders.
[order] => 7
[isRoofRackCategory] => 0
[always_in_stock] => 0
[isDeleted] => 0
[deleted] =>
[deletedByName] =>
[created] => 2013-10-15 03:05:37
[createdByName] => tonic script, RR-513
[lastUpdated] => 2013-10-28 03:40:59
[lastUpdatedByName] => saiman
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[isRoofRackPartsCategory] =>
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[deleted_at] =>
[created_at] => 2020-04-28 01:01:01
[updated_at] => 2020-03-10 05:29:51
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1 -->
Length 4 inch /
Width 1 inch