Our large range of Cross Bars are the ultimate foundation for your next adventure. We know some people will use their vehicle mainly for camping and need a system to carry their gear off-road and others will need roof racks to suit their outdoor adventures, whether water sports, bike riding or something else. Many will be looking for roof racks that take them from work to weekend.
If you’re looking to carry a kayak, bike or luggage box on sealed roads, a Cross Bar system will be the perfect fit for you. Rhino-Rack Cross Bars are sold as a complete system with roof bars, feet and fit kits included. The roof crossbars are the usable part of your roof rack system where you will mount your gear and any adventure accessories. Our large range of Cross Bars come in four different styles to suit your needs. Sportz, Reconn-Deck, Vortex & Heavy Duty Bar.
When selecting your vehicle fit, you will have the option to choose a overhang or flush bar design. A flush system is both sleek and stylish in design where the cross bars do not overhang the mounts.
An overhang system creates additional storage space where the ends of the cross bars sit further out than the mounts.
Our large range of Cross Bars come in four different styles to suit your needs and vehicle fit. Sportz, Reconn-Deck, Vortex & Heavy Duty.
Versatile bar compatible with a huge range of sports accessories
Strong and durable crossbar with integrated channels.
Perfect for recreational and trade use.
Perfect for trade accessories.